I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about perseverance and following your heart in hopes of attaining your dream. I have a big dream. I dream of being a fine art photographer who’s work is in exhibits across the world. May sound far fetched, but, who says dreams are meant to be small? When I dream, I dream BIG. For the past year, I have been working diligently on creating a series of work that I feel warrants attention. I have poured blood, sweat and tears into it. And through it all, refusing to accept failure. I have been sending my work to countless exhibits, only to be rejected time and time again. It is a very humbling experience to say the least and has made me question this dream of mine on numerous occasions. After receiving yet another rejection, I considered throwing in the towel. But, today for whatever reason, I decided to stay on track. I decided to stay optimistic. A friend of mine is a firm believer of positive thinking. She routinely uses a dream board with her entire family and has told me numerous stories of it’s success. So, I wrote down my dream in bold letters and pinned it on my cork board so that I will see it every single day. Within minutes……I mean minutes of writing down my dream, I received an email from that very organization offering a glimpse of success…..maybe my dream is attainable???? Although, I continue to work towards attaining my dream, this is one small step in the right direction. Thank you Carrie McCarthy from the Santa fe Workshop, and to Vicky who encouraged me to create a dream board
I thought this quote from Confucius was appropriate, “it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop”. So here’s to baby steps, dreams, and perseverance
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