Inspiration doesn’t come at your beck and call. And that is why I love it when I have the opportunity to work with someone who is open to doing things outside the box. Steeping outside their comfort zone and really able to trust me. As part of my dream series, I dreamt that I was floating in a river. Peacefully, drifting to wherever the current took me. Dressed in a long white dress. When I woke, and wrote the details down, I wondered how I could create an image that represented the dream. Since all of my dream series have been self portraits, I doubted that this dream would be able to be included into the dream series, until I thought of this little lady. She is a very talented dancer. The epitome of grace. I was thrilled when she agreed to help me out without knowing exactly what she was getting herself into. She approached the session with openness and positivity and was so patient. I must have said one more time about a hundred times, and not once did she moan, groan or complain. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can’t wait to work with you again.
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