The other day I dreamt I was wearing a long flowing dress, carrying a cage of some sort. I was feeling down. Not quite sad, but melancholy. The cage appeared empty, and when I looked closely, there was a small blue butterfly sitting inside. When I stopped to look inside the cage, my mood changed. I no longer felt gloomy, but felt elated……light and energetic. The butterflies began to multiply. Soon, I was surrounded by butterflies. Not quite sure what it all means, but I knew that I needed to try to capture this idea in a photo. So, this is my interpretation of my dream.
I found two quotes that I thought were fitting for this dream. The first is “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly”. Proverb. And the second one is “How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar” Trina Paulus. Both seem quite fitting and applicable to my dream and where my life is at the moment, as I explore the world of fine art photography and really listen to my heart.
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