Blue Monday is a name given to the third Monday in January. It is considered to be the most depressing day of the year. A day associated with feelings of despair and sadness. People may feel down following the holidays, and the weather is gloomy. Blue Monday was created in 2005 by a British holiday company. The idea was derived not from the results of any in-depth research, but instead by using a calculation involving such factors as current weather conditions and debt levels. The idea caught on, and now many of us have come to dread it. I thought it might be useful to consider some ways to try to beat the negativity and despair associated with Blue Monday. If we grab hold of the negative, we are more likely to see the things that make us sad or depressed. But, if we choose to focus on the positives, then we are more likely to notice the high points. I know it sounds corny, but why not try it. Try making a list of the things you are grateful for. Or offer someone a genuine compliment. Or simply offer someone a smile (they are contagious you know). Go for a walk. Try a new exercise class. Have coffee with a friend. Listen to your favourite song. Dance like no one is watching.
I recently read this quote that I wanted to share….
“My door is always open, my kettle is always on and my sofa is always warm and a place of peace and non-judgement. Any of my friends who need to chat are welcome anytime. It doesn’t matter how close we are. It is no good suffering in silence. I have beer and wine in the fridge and tea and coffee in the jars and I will always be here.”
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